Executive Education 2022: Top 50 combined ranking and school profiles

Top for open and custom: HEC Paris

HEC Paris heads the combined table this year. Rising one place in the custom table and seven in the open-enrolment list, the school tops both rankings. Corporate clients gave a top score for their courses in seven of nine categories. One surveyed client said its managers, who can be jaded and reluctant to make time for training, rated the programme at 100 per cent.
Financial Times Executive Education rankings 2022
View the list of the top 75 for customised courses and the top 65 for open-enrolment management programmes in 2022. Find out which schools are the top 50 providers for both custom and open courses below. Also, learn how the tables are compiled.
Quick facts about the top 50 Executive Education providers
By Wai Kwen Chan
Rank 1: Triple top
HEC Paris is number one for the first time in the custom, open and combined rankings. No other school has topped all three FT Executive Education tables at the same time.
Rank 2: Diverse knowledge
Spain’s Iese had the most diverse full-time teaching staff, by citizenship and gender, on its executive programmes in the past year.
Rank 3: Aiming high
The Swiss school IMD was rated highest for the extent to which participants’ personal and professional expectations were met on their open-enrolment courses.
Rank 7: Repeat business
Clients ranked Italy’s SDA Bocconi as the top school from which they would commission other custom courses in the future.
Rank 8: Top, north America
Michigan’s Ross is the highest-ranked school in north America and top for overall growth in revenues from open programmes.
Rank 9: Top, Latin America
Fundação Dom Cabral, in Brazil, is the highest placed school in Latin America, ninth in the open table and 11th for custom courses.
Rank 13: Class act
Western University’s Ivey school in Canada is number one for the quality of its teaching on open-enrolment courses.
Rank 14: Top in Asia
Ceibs in Shanghai is the highest ranked school in Asia. There are six schools from the region in the combined top 50.
Rank 27: Giant leap
Portugal’s Católica Lisbon is the biggest riser, up 23 places in the combined table thanks to gains of at least 20 places in the custom and open tables.
Rank 28: New contender
Germany’s WHU – Otto Beisheim is the highest new entrant, thanks to its appearance in the custom ranking for the first time.
Rank 38: Three up
France’s Kedge is the joint second-highest riser in the combined table, jumping 22 places, as did Portugal’s Nova and Porto, ranked 22nd and 40th respectively.
Rank 41=: Africa’s finest
Lagos, in Nigeria, is the sole business school from Africa in the top 50. The school improved its position in the open ranking by 19 places.
Top US School: Duke Corporate Education

A partnership with Duke was described by some surveyed respondents as valuable and transformational, with multiple users reporting long, ongoing relationships with the school. The strong connection with clients and top position for programme design helped Duke rank as the leading US school and second overall. It featured in the top three for nine of the 14 categories.
Top for future use: SDA Bocconi

Customers coming back for more is a good measure of success. Clients rate SDA Bocconi top for future use, meaning they are more likely to use the school again for other custom courses and would recommission the same programme. Fourth overall, the Italian school is in the top five for value for money, relevance of skills gained and quality of participant feedback.
Top in Latin America: Fundação Dom Cabral

FDC is the top custom school in Latin America and 11th overall, up four places from the last ranking in 2020. The Brazilian school excelled in course preparation, teaching methods and value. No Latin American school beat it in any area in the customer survey. Clients praised its ability to work with organisations to deliver high-quality personalised programmes.
Highest newcomer: Miami Herbert

The US school Miami Herbert is the highest new entrant in the custom table, at 30th, with above-average performance in many categories. Clients said its courses were adaptable to their needs and well received by participants. The school has global reach, illustrated by strong results in the overseas programmes and international clients categories, ranked sixth and 14th respectively.
Biggest riser: Fundação Getulio Vargas

Fundação Getulio Vargas — FGV EAESP has risen 30 places to 49 since the last custom ranking in 2020. Improvements in client ratings for faculty quality, new skills and aims achieved made FGV this year’s highest riser. The Brazilian school’s programme design was one of the aspects most appreciated by clients. The school’s ranking for each category has risen since 2020.
Top for aims achieved: IMD

Ranked second for open-enrolment courses, IMD in Switzerland tops the table for aims achieved — the extent to which personal and professional expectations were met. The school is also second for course design and the quality of teaching staff and participants. The latter category is measured by managerial and academic standards among peers, interaction between learners and classes’ international diversity.
Top for faculty diversity: Iese Business School

Iese in Barcelona has consistently been top for faculty diversity in recent years and is third overall. It is in the top three for international location, quantity and quality of programmes taught with other accredited schools, and course follow-up. One participant said: “I have received knowledge and tools to compete . . . more effectively”, also highlighting how the school had been “flexible and effective in meeting my educational needs”.
Top for course design: UCLA Anderson

UCLA Anderson is top for course design, a category that measures the flexibility of the programme and appropriateness of class size. The school is sixth overall, comfortably in the group of elite providers. It is ranked second for the relevance of skills gained and encouragement of new ways of thinking. One attendee praised the “life-long professional connections” and the depth of the course content.
Top in Asia: Kaist College of Business
South Korean school Kaist College of Business is joint 22nd in the open table, its highest position since 2017. It is also in the top 10 for follow-up after participants return to their workplaces, and for networking opportunities. The school is in the top 20 for most categories in the client survey. One survey respondent was impressed with in-depth discussions with other participants and said they gained fresh business insights in the process.
Highest new entrant: Zhejiang University

Based in China, newcomer Zhejiang’s School of Management enters the open table in 32nd place. Surveyed clients praised courses as inspirational and for helping attendees to step outside their comfort zone. The school performed well in the quality of participants category and is 10th for course follow-up offered to learners. Zhejiang also achieved the second-highest score for overall satisfaction, at 9.94, as rated by attendees.
Biggest riser: Católica Lisbon

Portuguese school Católica Lisbon leaps 28 places to 44th, the biggest mover in the open table. Surveyed participants commended inspirational teachers who were both highly knowledgeable and available to help. One former student highlighted the effectiveness of sharing real-life experiences with classmates of similar seniority levels from various sectors. One attendee said they felt encouraged to consider further study for an MBA.